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all prices on 3 exchanges
blockchain size: 367993
difficulty one block: 22
difficulty all blockchain: 5710423
multiplier: 31
target uniq sender in prev block: 0
target sum sender transaction in prev block: 0.00
total dollars: 151156734.06
total accounts: 902
previous block total transaction: 2
previous block total dollar sum: 102.30
total transactions in day: 722
total dollar sum transactions in day: 36930.30
Every 4 month the multiplier decreases by one, starting from this block 133750
A day in this system is 432 blocks, a month is 51,840 blocks.
How many blocks are left until the decline is shown here 24958
discord: https://discord.gg/Szbs8G4Q8c
telegram channel: https://t.me/citu_coin
telegram: https://t.me/citu_coin
Telegram: @Negmat_Tuychiev
twitter: citu4030
wallet: https://github.com/CorporateFounder/unitedStates_final
global server: https://github.com/CorporateFounder/unitedStates_storage
gmail: citu4030@gmail.com

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Summary and Benefits

Preamble: Each coin has only 2 decimal places. The lower boundary of the cryptocurrency price is determined by the electricity costs for its mining, reflecting the labor theory of value. The upper boundary is governed by the subjective theory of value, representing the value users attribute to the cryptocurrency. The average price will grow in accordance with the marginal utility theory since mining is inelastic, gradually decreasing, but never reaching zero. The annual coin supply increase is significantly less than 0.005% relative to the total issuance, offsetting lost coins and supporting miner expenses. The system dynamically adapts: when demand decreases, mining complexity decreases, reducing emissions, and during a sharp price increase, complexity grows, stimulating coin issuance. This allows the system to regulate the exchange rate using market tools. Excess emissions are directed to staking, promoting long-term stability. This cryptocurrency is especially suitable as a reserve currency. Its limited supply makes it attractive due to its scarcity, enhancing its market value.

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